Stocks to Buy | Deepak Fertilisers | Bajaj Broking

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The Bajaj Broking Research Desk under their Alpha Trade category has recommended Deepak Fertilisers as a strong investment opportunity. The market price of Deepak Fertilisers as of 12:58 PM is Rs. 761.30, and the research desk has identified a target price of Rs. 828 for this stock. Deepak Fertilisers is this week's stocks to buy.

Deepak Fertilisers has shown a structural turnaround with a breakout above multiple high for the past 18 months. This blog provides a detailed technical analysis based on the latest financial data and projections.

Explore: Deepak Fertilisers & Petr Share Price

Technical Breakout:

  • Current Status: Deepak Fertilisers has generated a breakout above multiple highs, signaling a structural turnaround.
  • Recent Performance: The stock has broken out above a seven-month rounding formation, supported by a strong volume, indicating larger participation at the breakout area.
  • Volume: The breakout was accompanied by a trading volume more than six times the 50-week average of 45 lakhs.
  • Target Price: The stock is expected to reach 828 levels in the coming month, being the 138.2% external retracement of the previous breather (714-450).

Key Numbers:

  • Recommended Range: Rs. 740 - 756
  • Target Price: Rs. 828
  • Stop Loss: Rs. 703
  • Potential Upside: 10%
  • Duration: 35 Days

Breakout Analysis:

  • Breakout Above Multiple Highs: Indicates a structural turnaround.
  • Rounding Formation Breakout: Supported by strong volume, highlighting larger participation at the breakout area.
  • Expected Movement: The stock is expected to head towards 828 levels in the coming month.

Key Takeaways

Deepak Fertilisers showcases a strong market position with promising technical breakouts and financial performance. The stock is on a growth trajectory, making it a compelling stock to buy. With robust financial metrics and future projections, Deepak Fertilisers presents a solid investment opportunity in the share market today.

Bajaj Broking’s Alpha Trade Performance:

Bajaj Broking’s research desk has shared multiple stocks to buy recommendations under their Alpha Trade category, below is the summary of the performance of these recommendations:


Total Calls




Closed at Cost




Strike Rate


Average Return


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This content is for educational purposes only. Securities quoted are exemplary and not recommendatory.

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