Municipal bonds are a type of loan or debt securities given to the government. Local, state, or national governments issue these bonds to raise money for public projects like schools, roads, and bridges. When municipal bonds mature, the government returns the principal amount along with the accumulated interest. Many municipal bonds also offer tax benefits, making them a popular choice for investors.
In this article, we will get to know more about everything you need to know about municipal bonds.
What is Municipal Bond in Finance
Bonds are debt instruments that help non-profit organizations, governments, private corporations etc raise funds to help them grow their businesses or use the capital on public projects.
Municipal bonds are usually issued by local, state or union governments to help them fund various public projects like the construction of schools, hospitals, roads etc.
Also known as muni bonds or munis, municipal bonds make for a great tax-free investment option for residents. However, due to its tax-free nature, municipal bonds come with lower interest rates compared to other taxable bonds.
Additional Read: What is a Bond: Benefits, Features, Working & Types
Types of Municipal Bonds
There are two main types of municipal bonds and they are categorized according to where their interest payments and principal repayments are funded from. Here's a look at the both of them.
The first type of municipal bond is the GO bond or General Obligation bond. General Obligation bonds are issued by governmental entities and do not have the backing of funds raised via specific projects. There are two ways in which these GO bonds are backed; specific property taxes and general funds.
The second type of municipal bond is the revenue bond. The main funding of a revenue bond’s principal and interest payments comes from taxes on fuel, sales, fuel, etc. When revenue bonds are issued by conduit issuers like a municipality, its principal and interest payments are overseen by a third party.
Risks Associated with Municipal Bonds
Like every other investment option, municipal bonds, despite being safer than other bonds, have their risks. The good thing about municipal bonds is that in comparison to corporate bonds, the risk of default is quite low. However, revenue bonds, when compared to GO bonds, can be significantly affected by any economic slump or changes in the consumers’ taste.
Municipal bonds are fixed-income securities and due to this reason, their market value can decline with a rise in interest rates or increase with a decline in interest rates. This is why, any bonds that have a longer maturity term are more likely to be affected by any changes in interest rates. This will, in turn, cause changes to an investor’s earnings as well.
To add to this, there is liquidity risk as most municipal bonds have a lock-in period, and cannot be used if investors need immediate cash.
Some municipal bonds also come with a prearrangement called call provisions. With the help of a call provision, the bond issuer can redeem the bond before it matures when there is a drop in the interest rates. After this, they can also reissue the bonds at a lower rate of interest. If such a step is taken by an issuer, investors incur losses from interest payments and need to reinvest in the bond which now has been issued at a lower interest rate.
How Are Municipal Bonds Useful
Municipal bonds can be beneficial for investors. Here are some of the reasons for this.
Stable Income Stream
One of the main benefits of municipal bonds is that they provide an investor with a regular income via interest payments. This very reason makes municipal bonds a good choice for otherwise risk-averse investors.
Tax Benefits
As it has already been specified above, the interest earned through municipal bonds is exempt from taxes. This helps investors who lie in the high-tax bracket, enhance their after-tax yield to a great extent.
Portfolio Diversification
A diverse investment portfolio helps investors steer clear of potential losses to a great extent. By including municipal bonds in such an investment portfolio investors can diversify their portfolio further since municipal bonds have very little correlation with other types of securities.
Help Contribute Towards Infrastructure Development
The funds raised through municipal bonds are used to develop infrastructure in cities and towns like schools, highways, hospitals etc. Investors might view this as an incentive as they will be playing a crucial part in the overall development of the country as well.
Like other bonds, municipal bonds are also debt securities that are usually issued by local, state or union governments. There are two main types of municipal bonds; revenue bonds and general obligation bonds. The former’s funding of principal and interest payments comes from taxes on fuel, sales, fuel, etc. while the latter is issued by governmental entities and does not have the backing of funds raised via specific projects. The interest earned through municipal bonds are exempt from tax which makes them an attractive option for investors.