What is value investing?
Value investing is an investment strategy where investors look for stocks that appear undervalued in the market, often trading for less than their intrinsic value. The most basic value investing definition revolves around identifying such stocks, aiming to purchase them at a discount compared to their intrinsic worth. This approach is based on the belief that the market overreacts to good and bad news, leading to stock price fluctuations that don't always reflect a company's long-term potential. Value investing principles encourage buying such stocks and holding them until their value is recognised by the market.
The famous Warren Buffett value investing strategy, for example, focuses on companies with solid fundamentals but temporarily low stock prices. Value investing examples include buying shares of companies with low price-to-earnings ratios. Bajaj Broking offers resources and tools to help investors identify potential value stocks.
Also read: What is Value Investing? | Bajaj Broking